
The English-language News Service keeps you up-to-date about the latest developments in the airports scene.

Sent to you by email several times per week, it includes news on airports and companies worldwide, including new projects, products, statistics and financial data.

It comes in a highly compact "text-only" format: no pictures, no advertisement, just the essential information you need.

Headlines and an index allow you to browse quickly through the newsletter. View a newsletter sample here.



All newsletter items are stored in a comprehensive archive. You can search more than 45000 articles !

A special features are links between articles and their relevant airports and companies.

Each airports and company portrait automatically lists all newsletter articles !

In the same way, at the end of each article oyu find a link to the portrait.


Documents - NEW 

Annual reports, master plans and other useful documents are now added to a separate database.
They are also linked to the relevant portraits.

More >> Albatross System - Traffic Report